The Rich Roll Podcast

Chris Hauth: Endurance Training For Maximum Results



2x Olympian, renown endurance multisport coach, former professional (and current blazing fast age-group topping) Ironman triathlete Chris Hauth — who happens to also be my long-time coach — joins the podcast to get granular on his perspectives on effective endurance training methods to maximize performance. Turns out there's more to it than just Zone 2 people! Tune in to dial in your training program and take your performance to the next level. As a quick aside. I am contemplating launching an online membership website that will — in exchange for a relatively nominal monthly fee — provide subscribers with: * Premium written fitness & nutrition content not publicly available; * Monthly or bi-weekly interactive video Spreecasts on focused subject matter; * Periodic (weekly?) newsletter; * Private, interactive VIP community with responsive access to me & other members * Significantly reduced pricing on Jai Lifestyle digital & physical products, gear & workshops, retreats & programs * Free swag such as t-shirts