The Rich Roll Podcast

On Achieving Prolific Peak Performance & Optimizing Your Best Self With The Champions Blueprint



Success isn't an accident – it happens by design. Today on the show I am pleased to host Dr. Jeff Spencer – life coach to Olympic champions and entrepreneurs and architect of a methodology he calls The Champions Blueprint – the good doctor's well researched and proven “crystal ball” process to unlock your internal personal power and unleash — and more importantly sustain — prolific peak performance, not to mention your best self. Break out your Moleskins people, because you are going to want to take copious notes. Class is in session! Whether on the playing field or in the board room, we often marvel at those few who seem able to effortlessly achieve — and again sustain — incredible results. I'm talking about people like Michael Jordan. Michael Phelps. Oprah Winfrey. And Richard Branson. Freaks of nature, right? Once in a lifetime talents that deserve our reverence, but simply cannot be emulated, let alone replicated. We all want this right? And yet it seems so elusive. A struggle that can seem impossible for