The Rich Roll Podcast

On Running Across America For A GMO-Free USA



What do you do when your twelve-year-old son announces he’s going to run across America? That's the dilemma Brett & Kris Wilcox faced, hoping that in time their son David would simply forget about his crazy idea — “it's a phase….he'll grow out of this fantasy eventually……right?” Well, David refused to let up. In fact, he doubled down. On the heels of becoming the fastest freshman cross country runner in his region of Alaska, David became more determined than ever to become the 2nd 15-year old ever to complete a transcontinental run. Needless to say, his parents had a decision to make – quash their son's dream, or dig deep to help make it happen. I am happy to say they chose the latter. And on January 18, 2014, David and his father — supported by his mother Kris and 13-year old sister Olivia — began their coast-to-coast attempt, launching from Huntington Beach, CA en route to Washington, D.C. David has his motivations. But in order to run alongside his son, Brett needed his own. As a Licensed Professional Coun