The Rich Roll Podcast

Sergey Young on The Science of Growing Young



What if I told you that there was a Russian millionaire who wants to help you live to be 150-years-old? This isn’t science fiction—it’s ‘immortality science’. It’s the science of lifespan extension. The science of what today’s guest calls growing young. Meet Sergey Young, the exceedingly bright and optimistic chemical engineer turned investment banker turned venture capitalist committed to not only funding cutting-edge lifespan extension breakthroughs but also ensuring that such advancements are affordable and accessible to all. Named one of the Top 100 Longevity Leaders in the world, Sergey is an XPRIZE Foundation Board Member, the founder of the $100M Longevity Vision Fund, and a development sponsor of the Age Reversal XPRIZE, which is a global competition designed to find a cure for aging. Yes, you read that right—a cure. He’s also the author of the new book hitting shelves everywhere August 24, 2021 (and now available for pre-order) entitled, The Science And Technology Of Growing Young, which is a fascina