All Ears English Podcast | Real English Vocabulary | Conversation | American Culture

AEE 294: Don't Be a Fool! Learn About April Fool's Day with All Ears English



Come back to our blog and have a conversation with us! Go to Get your FREE IELTS Cheat Sheet:   April Fool’s Day is coming up later this week. Are you ready for it? How do you celebrate April Fool’s Day in your culture? Today you’ll learn what many Americans do on April Fool’s Day and you’ll get a few new vocabulary words for this day. It’s common to play jokes on friends and colleagues at work or at college in the United States. It’s especially common in colleges because students live together with their friends in dormitories.   Vocabulary for April Fool’s Day: Gullible: To trust people and believe things that people say, even if those things are not true. Practical Joke: A joke that you play on someone (not a spoken joke). You act out this kind of joke. A prank: A practical joke, a joke that is acted out Gag gift: A silly gift that is not meant to be serious but is meant to be a joke   What should you do if someone plays a joke