English in Brazil Podcasts

Way Ahead | Episode 139 - We Must Talk About Danny Elfman



You’ve probably never heard of the name Danny Elman! But I’m sure you’ve heard some or many of his songs! In today’s episode teacher Fabio Emerim will tell you why we should champion this great musician and his legacy!Apresentação, texto e edição: Fábio Emerim www.instagram.com/teacher_fabioemerimLink para o Pronunciation Masters com Desconto: https://go.hotmart.com/S76261021LYou can read this text with vocabulary on our blog: https://englishinbrazil.com.br/2024/10/legenda-para-acompanhar-o-episodio-139-do-podcast-way-ahead-we-must-talk-about-danny-elfmann.html
