The Anxiety Coaches Podcast - Relief From Anxiety, Panic, And Ptsd

1070: When Happiness Triggers Anxiety: Understanding and Overcoming Paradoxical Panic



In today's episode, Gina responds to a listener question about anxiety that seems to be brought about by feelings of comfort, relaxation and happiness. This is a common occurrence for people who struggle with anxiety and have been on the recovery path for some time. It really can be confusing and seem to not make any sense at all. This episode clarifies what is going on when anxiety strikes during the strangest of times: when you are happy and nothing bad is happening. Listen in for advice on how to handle these occurrences! Please visit our Sponsor Page to find all the links and codes for our awesome sponsors! Thank you for supporting The Anxiety Coaches Podcast. FREE MUST-HAVE RESOURCE FOR Calming Your Anxious Mind 10-Minute Body-Scan Meditation for Anxiety Anxiety Coaches Podcast Group Coaching link To learn more, go to: Website Join our Group Coaching Full or Mini Membership Program Learn mo