
Open Source and Power with Matt Mullenweg



DHH on Twitter - 00:53Matt Mullenweg's website | Twitter - 00:57The Twitter conversation that started the debate - - 1:40Automattic website - 1:45Automattic's Series D funding announcement - 1:54Matt Mullenweg's interview with TechCrunch - 3:30"Netflix CEO Reed Hastings: Sleep Is Our Competition" (Fast Company) - 9:19A 2005 demo by DHH on creating a blog engine in 15 minutes - 16:49"The deal Jeff Bezos got on Basecamp" (Signal v. Noise) - 24:16Benevolent dictator for life (Wikipedia) - 46:21DHH on the Django Chat podcast - 46:37"Richard Stallman resigns from MIT over Epstein comments" (The Verge) - 47:15Automattic Acquires Tumblr from Verizon - 56:17