

Episode 498 – Be the Light   Today we have Ava. She is 17 years old and lives in Central North Dakota. She has been sober since October 13th, 2006.   Sponsors for this episode:   Visit Better Help today to get 10% off your first month   [03:16] Meat and Potatoes Time:   A few months ago, after a lot of prayer and consideration, Kris had a tough call with Paul. While he enjoys his job as podcast host immensely, his life has been changing. His kids are getting older and busier, and he has opportunities to step up his investment in his local community.   Kris shares what this podcast has meant to him both as an interviewer and as a long-time listener. All of our stories have values, and he reminds us of the importance of being a light. No one lights a lamp and then covers it with a wash tub or shoves it under a bed. You set it up on the lampstand so that those who enter the room can see their way.   We each have a light in us that is meant to shine.    [10:18] Kris introduces Ava:   Today Kris is speaking with