From Our Own Correspondent

Reversing the Ageing Process



Now where have I put the car keys? A Japanese neuro-scientist believes a regular brain 'workout' can improve the lives, and the memories, of older people who might otherwise fall victim to dementia; Italy's planning to tell the UN Security Council next week that the country's in urgent need of more help in dealing with the tide of migrants washing up on its shores - we're in a port in Sicily where boatloads of them now arrive almost every day; the authorities in Saudi Arabia show our correspondent round a high security jail near Riyadh where, they say, they are succeeding in reforming extremists from ISIS and al-Qaeda; farmer suicides in India - many possible reasons are cited for their decisions to kill themselves but it's clear that distress among the agricultural community is part of a wider malaise afflicting the countryside. And on the Dutch Caribbean island of Aruba there's increasing concern about the snake population's tendency to go hitch-hiking!