The Anxiety Coaches Podcast - Relief From Anxiety, Panic, And Ptsd

1058: Harnessing Your Circle of Influence For Anxiety Relief: Part 1



In today's episode, Gina discusses the circle of influence, popularized by Stephen Covey, and how it can be an effective tool to manage and control anxiety. The circle of influence refers to the set of factors in our lives that we have influence over (things we can control). This contrasts with the set of factors in our lives which we cannot control: the circle of concern. Listen in to come to better understand these concepts and how to use them in your life to help minimize anxiety. Book from today's episode: The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People Please visit our Sponsor Page to find all the links and codes for our awesome sponsors! Thank you for supporting The Anxiety Coaches Podcast. FREE MUST-HAVE RESOURCE FOR Calming Your Anxious Mind 10-Minute Body-Scan Meditation for Anxiety Anxiety Coaches Podcast Group Coaching link To learn more, go to: Website Join our Group