Paleo Baby

18 Hours of Mountain Bike Racing on Zero Calories



Fast facts: The elimination diets that we’ve gotten great results with for our clients travel very well with a little planning. Our diet didn’t vary from the norm on a recent three week road trip. I’ve been eating a very high fat and fibre, moderate protein, zero acellular carbohydrate (e.g. sugar) ketogenic diet. Just before we departed, my blood glucose was 77 mg/dL and blood beta-hydroxybutyrate was 1.4 mmol/L. I placed 29/600 in the BC Bike Race, a 7-day race in a very wet British Columbia. In over 18 hours of racing, I consumed zero calories and a total of 2L of plain water whilst on the bike. Here’s the outline of this podcast: 0:05:06    Julie's videos: Food prep for the BC BIke Race, Truck Stop Gourmet, and How to Shop at an Unfamiliar Market. 0:05:33    Instant Pot pressure cooker. 0:05:41    FoodSaver Vacuum Sealing System. 0:09:41    Glass Mason Jars. 0:11:37    Cultured Caveman restaurant in Portland. 0:11:45    Mission Heirloom (podcast). 0:14:18    Wild Planet Wild Sardines in Ext