Intelligence Squared

When the Microchips are Down, with Chris Miller



Sign up for Intelligence Squared Premium here: for ad-free listening, bonus content, early access and much more. See below for details. We live in a world which is completely dependent on the technology of microchips, which are made up of millions of transistors which are so small, about one thousandth of the size of a red blood cell. Making something this small and this complex is not something that can be easily replicated, meaning the world relies on just a handful of companies and countries to supply these chips. So how did we get here? And how is the scarcity of this resource affecting some of the world’s crucial geopolitical tensions? To find out more, we’re joined by Chris Miller, Associate Professor of International History at Tufts University and author of Chip War: The Fight for the World's Most Critical Technology. Our host for this episode is presenter and comedian, Timandra Harkness. … We are incredibly grateful for your support. To become an Intelligence Squared