Carioca Connection. Brazilian Portuguese Conversation.

Alexia's desabafo sobre o AirBnb



Get the worksheets & complete show notes for this episode at https://cariocaconnection.comIn this week's episode of Carioca Connection, Alexia and Foster explore an intriguing question: If you were emperor of the world for one day, what one thing would you change and why? The conversation quickly transforms into a very funny, yet educational rant from Alexia, mostly directed towards Airbnb.As always, this episode is full of real-life Brazilian Portuguese, including useful vocabulary, phrases, and colloquial expressions that you won't find in any apps or textbooks. Click play to listen, laugh, and learn a lot at the same time! E agora em português brasileiro...No episódio desta semana do Carioca Connection, Alexia e Foster exploram uma pergunta intrigante: Se você fosse imperador do mundo por um dia, o que você mudaria e por quê? A conversa rapidamente se transforma em um desabafo muito engraçado, mas ainda educativo, da Alexia, direcionado principalmente ao Airbnb.Como sempre, este episódio está cheio de