Bible Chicks With Carole Brewer

"Watching for the Wounded" - Bible Chicks with Carole Brewer and Guest, Chaplain Rachel Coggins



Imagine standing, greeting, and being available to pray and counsel as 1500 men and women poured past every day! That was the ministry of Army Chaplain, Rachel Coggins as she stood at the gateway for soldiers deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan. Listen as Chaplain Coggins shares with host, Carole Brewer her compelling and heartfelt story. As a shepherd standing at the gate, Rachel “watched for the wounded” and trusted God to lead her to the ones in the greatest need. Based on her experiences, Rachel also shares about her book, Gateway to Iraq available at Carole sings two of her original songs, opening the podcast with “Your Love Lives On” and closing the program with “New Life”. Be encouraged today!