Clutter Corner - Organize, Clean and Transform Your Home

Can't Decide - Why Clutter Bugs and Hoarders are Indecisive



Let's talk about how to overcome indecisiveness and procrastination and how it affects us while decluttering our homes. Are you surrounded by clutter and struggling to get things done? You're not alone. In today's session, we cover 10 simple tools for your decision-making toolbox that can be used to overcome the paralysis in making everyday choices. Don't worry, you don't need all ten every time you make a choice, but knowing what the tools are and how to use them will give you more confidence and help you end indecisiveness in taking action on your goals and priorities. RESOURCES ------------------ REPROGRAM YOUR MIND SLEEP TAPES The New Normal Sleep Tape - The New Tape | Affirmations Of A Clean and Orderly Home | "I AM" - * When available, we use affiliate links, and as Amazon Associates, we earn on qualifying purchases. SOCIAL MEDIA --------------- CONNECT WITH HOARDING WORLD ON SOCIAL MEDIA YouTube: Facebook: