Clutter Corner - Organize, Clean and Transform Your Home

Lack of Interest in Boring Chores Leads to Procrastination in Doing Them



Are you struggling with procrastination due to your lack of interest in boring chores? If so, join me, Cleanfluencer Angela Brown, as we explore the reasons behind our aversion to tedious tasks and share practical strategies to tackle them head-on. In this video, I'll show you how to break up the monotony of boring chores by dividing them into smaller, more manageable jobs. Don't let your lack of interest in boring chores hold you back - let's conquer those tasks together! And when you need a little extra motivation, I've got just the thing - a sugar-free reward system! I'll teach you how to use this simple tool to reward yourself for a job well done and keep you on track toward your goals. BORING CHORES CHAPTERS ------------------ 0:00 - What is another reason that packrats and clutter bugs procrastinate? 0:57 - How can the happy bell help reduce procrastination in doing chores? 1:53 - How can we break up boring chores into smaller tasks? 2:07 - How can we make cleaning and decluttering fun? 2:26 - How many