Clutter Corner - Organize, Clean and Transform Your Home

Procrastination Caused by Doubts and Lack of Confidence



Are doubts and lack of confidence holding you back from decluttering your home and tackling that hoarding problem? In this video, I explore the root of procrastination and how insecurities often cause it.  As a house cleaner, I'm all too familiar with the feeling of uncertainty and self-doubt that can arise when I don't receive validation from my clients. But I've found a solution that's helped me overcome these negative feelings and build my confidence. Join me, Cleanfluencer Angela Brown, as I share my secret to boosting self-confidence and breaking free from the cycle of procrastination. Plus, I'll share a simple tip that's helped me stay on track and motivated on my journey to a clutter-free home.  If you're a hoarder, clutter bug, or packrat looking to break free from procrastination and build your confidence, this video is a must-watch. DOUBTS AND LACK OF CONFIDENCE CHAPTERS ------------------ 0:00 - How does a lack of self-confidence lead to procrastination? 0:36 - How does the lack of appreciation aff