Clutter Corner - Organize, Clean and Transform Your Home

The Domino Effect of Clutter Paralysis



The domino effect of clutter paralysis can wreak havoc on your life if you don't tackle the mess in your living space. Join Cleanfluencer Angela Brown as she continues to explore the tragic story of Rachel, who fell victim to the paralyzing effects of clutter and hoarding. Her inability to let go of things led to a buildup of items in her home, resulting in hidden shame and loss. The domino effect continued as her hoarding affected her job and her housing.  This video is a must-watch for hoarders, clutter bugs, and packrats alike as it sheds light on the high cost of hoarding, whether financially, emotionally, or socially. You'll learn how clutter paralysis can lead to a cascade of negative consequences and how honesty about your situation can help you break the cycle. Don't miss out on this eye-opening video highlighting the importance of addressing clutter and hoarding before it's too late. THE DOMINO EFFECT OF CLUTTER PARALYSIS CHAPTERS------------------ 0:00 - How does paralysis contribute to clutter? 0:5