Clutter Corner - Organize, Clean and Transform Your Home

Coping with Grief and Dealing with Clutter



In a heartfelt conversation about coping with grief and inherited clutter, Cleanfluencer Angela Brown and guest Michelle Hoffman delve into these experiences' profound complexities. Together, they offer practical strategies and emotional support for hoarders, clutter bugs, and packrats, guiding them through the overwhelming task of reclaiming space and finding solace amidst the weight of inherited possessions. Join Angela and Michelle on this transformative journey as they navigate the challenges of coping with grief, providing valuable insights and relatable experiences to help viewers find clarity and healing. Join us weekly as we explore new topics and invite expert guests to share their experiences and insights. Let's work together to transform your home and create a more peaceful, stress-free environment. COPING WITH GRIEF CHAPTERS ------------------ 0:00 - How can inherited behaviors and tendencies impact our approach to clutter and grief? 0:38 - What common emotions and challenges are associated with c