Clutter Corner - Organize, Clean and Transform Your Home

Living with Less - The Bargains



In this thought-provoking video about living with less, Cleanfluencer Angela Brown explores the hidden burdens of living with excess possessions. Angela challenges viewers to reflect on their shopping habits and consider whether their purchases truly enhance their lives. By sharing personal experiences and practical insights, she sparks a conversation about intentional consumption and living with less. Join Angela as she unveils the secrets to breaking free from mindless shopping and creating a new normal focusing on purposeful and meaningful living. Join us weekly as we explore new topics and invite expert guests to share their experiences and insights. Let's work together to transform your home and create a more peaceful, stress-free environment. LIVING WITH LESS THE BARGAINS CHAPTERS ------------------ 0:00 - What should we consider before making a purchase?  0:12 - How can we avoid drifting aimlessly through shopping and become more mindful of our choices? 0:32 - What is the importance of recognizing and