Clutter Corner - Organize, Clean and Transform Your Home

How to Love Your Retirement Years



Are you on the quest to learn how to love your retirement years? In this video, Cleanfluencer Angela Brown engages with guest Sharon Rolph, a 75-year-old retiree who shares her journey of finding purpose and self-love in retirement. Sharon discusses the challenges of transitioning from a structured work environment to the freedom of retirement, highlighting the struggle to feel productive without external validation. She also opens up about her past trauma and the ongoing journey of discovering her true self.  Join Angela and Sharon as they explore strategies for finding fulfillment during retirement and gain valuable insights into embracing the later years of life with love and self-acceptance. LOVER YOUR RETIREMENT YEARS CHAPTERS ------------------ 0:00 - How did you realize that the transition to retirement was challenging for you? 0:21 - What were some of the struggles you faced in defining your productivity in retirement? 0:33 - Can you share more about the revelation of being in charge of how you spend