Clutter Corner - Organize, Clean and Transform Your Home

What Do I Do with Stuff I Thought Was Important



Embark on a poignant journey with Cleanflluencer Angela Brown and her guest Personal Coach, Michelle Hoffmann, as they address the pressing question, "What do I do with stuff I thought was important?" Delving into the struggles of hoarding and clutter, they explore the significance of letting go of stuff and coping with grief. The opening story of Maggie's realization about her daughter's handprint sets the tone for a profound self-discovery quest. Through heartfelt anecdotes and practical advice, viewers are encouraged to embrace the process of releasing possessions and emotions, creating space for personal growth and a brighter future.  STUFF I THOUGHT WAS IMPORTANT CHAPTERS ------------------ 0:00 - How did a viewer's realization about her daughter's handprint lead to a profound self-discovery journey? 0:18 - What lesson does hoarding teach us about finding important stuff? 0:43 - How can we determine the true significance of sentimental possessions? 1:04 - Why is it essential to cherish items in pristine