Clutter Corner - Organize, Clean and Transform Your Home

Creating Mental Space In Your Life



Creating mental space in your life begins with the realization that you need to slow down. Do you ever feel like your life is just an endless to-do list? As a hoarder or busy professional, it's easy to get caught up in the daily clutter and lose sight of what matters. In this video, cleanfluencer Angela Brown and spiritual guide Aline Ra M have an enlightening conversation about how to clear your mind and make room for what matters most. Aline explains how she found herself on a spiritual path to deal with her anxiety, inability to sleep, and general unhappiness. She realized she needed to help others on their self-healing journeys and create a mindset shift to grow.  Tune in to hear Aline's insightful tactics for taking a breath, reflecting on why you do what you do, and learning to create that all-important space just to be. You'll come away with thoughtful strategies to declutter your life, become more intentional, and start living on your terms. CREATING MENTAL SPACE CHAPTERS ------------------ 0:00 - Wha