Clutter Corner - Organize, Clean and Transform Your Home

Create The Life You Want



How to create the life you want? In this episode, we talk about why it's important to explore different ideas and find what works best for each person. We also talk about how it's good to question what we believe, especially as we think about our things and stuff. We need to look at our beliefs and let go of the ones that don't help us anymore. This helps us live honestly and thoughtfully. When we are thoughtful and honest, we make ourselves strong and in control. We become people who make things happen instead of feeling weak. We also talk about how we make our own reality and how we sometimes need to break things to make them better. But we say that it's not good to only think about breaking things because it can make us feel bad and stop us from moving forward. Instead, we say it's better to know what we want and work positively towards it. When we focus on what we want and put our energy into it, the things that are not good for us will go away by themselves. Instead of thinking about what's not good, we