Clutter Corner - Organize, Clean and Transform Your Home

Control Freak - Prevent People From Helping You



Today, it's all about control freak, food hoarding, or any kind of clutter or hoarding. Clutter means having too many things in your home, making it messy. Hoarding is when people collect and keep a lot of stuff they don't need. We discuss how wanting to be in charge can stop us from getting help. Some people hoard food, hiding it in different places because they want to control it. They might also judge others who do the same things. But we look at another way of thinking - being open about our problems. When we talk honestly about our issues, we let others help us. This can change how we feel about our things and stop us from hiding or hoarding. It's important to think about how we feel in different situations. Sometimes, our worry comes from not letting others help. If we try to change and let others do their part, we can find peace and joy. We also say it's good to talk to ourselves and think about our feelings. When we understand why we do things, we can feel happier. Finally, being open and not trying t