Clutter Corner - Organize, Clean and Transform Your Home

You've Got To Feel To Heal As You Declutter



In this episode of You've Got to Feel to Heal as You Declutter, we explore emotional healing and why letting go of attachments is crucial. Many of us struggle to simplify our lives because our belongings often hold sentimental value, reminding us of people and memories dear to us. Arlene Ram, a spiritual guidance counselor, emphasizes the importance of embracing our emotions to heal. Instead of avoiding or hiding our feelings, we should confront them honestly. It's normal to feel strong emotions during loss or challenging times. Rather than masking these emotions with superficial reactions, we should acknowledge them and make necessary life adjustments. Though it may seem daunting, this process is essential for creating the space needed to heal. Regardless of external circumstances, we can find joy by nurturing our inner peace and resilience. Reflecting on what we're holding onto and what we're trying to let go of is vital as we journey through life, aiming to live to the fullest.   RESOURCES ----------------