Clutter Corner - Organize, Clean and Transform Your Home

Decluttering Your Cookbook Collection for Clarity



Today's topic decluttering your cookbook collection for clarity. Join us as we delve into the world of decluttering and how it impacts our confidence with guest Jocelyn Reeves, a Master of Public Health in Environmental Health and Social and Behavioral Sciences. Discover the power of prioritizing and decluttering excess possessions, like cookbooks, to regain confidence in decision-making. Jocelyn shares practical tips on distinguishing between items of sentimental value and those collecting dust. Learn how digital alternatives can free up physical space and even become thoughtful gifts. Angela Brown, our host, shares her experience of downsizing a massive book collection by donating books to various locations. Explore how decluttering can not only simplify your life but also boost your self-assuredness. Connect with Jocelyn Reeves at for confidence-building insights and check out for personal coaching to achieve your goals. Don't miss this conversation on reclaimin