Clutter Corner - Organize, Clean and Transform Your Home

Boosting Confidence by Clearing Clutter



Our discussion today is boosting confidence by Clearing Clutter. Have you ever wondered why you hold on to items you no longer need? Jocelyn shares her insights on how our mindset can drive us to accumulate unnecessary stuff, keeping us from truly embracing a life filled with abundance and confidence. During our conversation, we explored the connection between decluttering and building self-assurance. Jocelyn emphasizes that letting go of physical possessions can be a powerful act of self-trust. It's about recognizing that you already possess everything you need to succeed. We also dive into the impact of fear-based hoarding, particularly in light of recent events like the pandemic. Jocelyn discusses the importance of using perishable items and not hoarding them for a hypothetical rainy day. She suggests creative ways to make the process of decluttering and using what you have more enjoyable. RESOURCES ------------------ Let It Go - 100 Ways to Declutter Your Home -