Clutter Corner - Organize, Clean and Transform Your Home

The Benefits Of Using A Coach for Decluttering And Gaining Confidence



We explore the benefits of using a coach for decluttering and gaining confidence with Jocelyn Reeves. Jocelyn shares her expertise and insights on how clutter and hoarding behaviors can impact our confidence and self-doubt.  She introduces her innovative coaching platform, Coachedit, designed to connect individuals with coaches who can guide them in achieving their goals. Discover how coaching differs from therapy and how it can empower you to take actionable steps toward your aspirations.  Don't miss this engaging conversation on personal growth and decluttering your life for enhanced confidence. RESOURCES ------------------ Let It Go - 100 Ways to Declutter Your Home - The Declutter Challenge - The Sentimental Person's Guide to Decluttering - Decluttering at the Speed of Life- • When available, we use affiliate links, and as Amazon Associates, we earn on qualifying purchases. REPROGRAM YOU