Clutter Corner - Organize, Clean and Transform Your Home

Overcoming Clutter and Hoarding Habits



In this engaging conversation about overcoming clutter and hoarding habits, Angela welcomes special guest Jocelyn Reeves, the founder of "Cultivating Confidence Daily."  Together, they explore the surprising connection between our behaviors around clutter, hoarding, and saving too much stuff and how it can impact our self-confidence. Jocelyn offers valuable insights into why we often hold onto things, sometimes rooted in past experiences, and provides practical advice on how to break free from these patterns.  Discover the power of self-awareness and the importance of letting go to pave the way for increased confidence and personal growth. RESOURCES ------------------ Reclaim Your Life from Hoarding - Mini Habits - Atomic Habits - The Science of Self-Discipline - The Greatness Mindset - • ( When available, we use affiliate links, and as Amazon Associates, we earn on qualifying purchases.) RE