Clutter Corner - Organize, Clean and Transform Your Home

Decluttering Frees Up Decision Making



How decluttering frees up decision making in our life? Get ready for an inspiring episode with Angela Brown and Lauren Petrullo.  Lauren's tale takes us back to a pivotal moment when she bid farewell to her familiar life and embarked on a unique adventure – living out of a duffel bag. As a teenager, she grappled with challenging circumstances, a strained family relationship, and a heavy emotional burden. When faced with an unexpected choice, Lauren made the courageous decision to leave her family home with nothing but a duffel bag and the bare essentials, a choice born out of necessity. What makes Lauren's story truly remarkable is her transformation from adversity to self-discovery. She candidly shares how minimalism allowed her to declutter not just her physical possessions but also her mental and emotional life. Lauren's journey imparts invaluable lessons on decision-making, decluttering, and the beauty of living intentionally. Lauren delves into her unique approach to decision-making and the importance of