

How to declutter your mind? Today, we dive into the world of decluttering your mind for improved productivity with the renowned Thought Organizer, Kitty Andrews. Finding clarity and focus is a precious skill in a world filled with distractions, digital overload, and never-ending to-do lists. Kitty shares her journey of helping people organize their thoughts to bring order to their lives and the surprising ways it can transform physical spaces, relationships, health, and personal growth. Through real-life examples, Kitty shares a heartwarming story of a client's transformative fitness journey, and you'll learn how decluttering isn't just about tidying up but a holistic approach to improving one's life. Whether you're grappling with digital overwhelm, chaotic thoughts, or an untidy space, Kitty's insights will provide practical tips and a fresh perspective on decluttering your mind. RESOURCES ------------------ The Power of Discipline - The Self-Discipline Lever -