Clutter Corner - Organize, Clean and Transform Your Home

Declutter Your Brain for More Productivity



How do you declutter your brain for more productivity? Have you ever felt overwhelmed, unable to focus, or distracted by the chaos around you? We've got the solution! Kitty and our host, Angela Brown, discuss the profound effects of decluttering, going beyond just tidying up your space. They explore the idea that creating physical space opens room for inspiration, creativity, and learning. Kitty shares a remarkable story of a client who turned her passion for crafting into a profitable business, all thanks to her decluttering journey. The conversation touches upon the value of clarity and focus, especially for those dealing with ADHD or anyone seeking to transition into a more fulfilling and independent career. Kitty's expert advice emphasizes the importance of starting small, focusing on one room, area, and topic at a time to avoid feeling overwhelmed and maintain momentum. Learn how to make meaningful progress without the weight of mental and physical clutter holding you back. Decluttering isn't just about