Clutter Corner - Organize, Clean and Transform Your Home

Decluttering and Organizing Your Life



As we chat with Donna Barwald about the art of decluttering and organizing your life. Donna shares valuable insights on letting go of unnecessary items, managing paper clutter, and making decisions to simplify your space.  Learn how to start small, build decision-making muscles, and create a clutter-free environment that promotes peace of mind. Discover practical tips for downsizing, dealing with sentimental items, and the importance of keeping what truly matters.  Donna's wisdom will inspire you to transform your space and improve your overall well-being.  RESOURCES ------------------ REPROGRAM YOUR MIND SLEEP TAPES The New Normal Sleep Tape - The New Tape | Affirmations Of A Clean and Orderly Home | "I AM" - * When available, we use affiliate links, and as Amazon Associates, we earn on qualifying purchases. SOCIAL MEDIA --------------- CONNECT WITH DONNA BARWALD Facebook Page: NeatlyArrangedOrg Instagram: ht