Clutter Corner - Organize, Clean and Transform Your Home

Mental Habits Lead To Clutter



How do mental habits lead to clutter? Let's hear Angela Brown and Kitty Andrews discuss decluttering your mind to boost productivity in both your personal and professional life.  In today's fast-paced world, distractions and overwhelming clutter can hinder your ability to concentrate and focus on what truly matters. We'll explore the impact of mental clutter on our daily routines and how it can extend to physical clutter, such as stacks of magazines and sentimental items. Kitty will share real-life examples of her work, like the client who had stacks of magazines and a unique personal story about letting go of seemingly important items, showing that decluttering is not just about physical objects but also about emotional attachments. You'll learn valuable strategies for overcoming decision fatigue, detaching from sentimentally valuable items, and retraining your brain to break free from clutter that no longer serves you. Discover the importance of dissociating from your clutter to make clearer decisions and r