Clutter Corner - Organize, Clean and Transform Your Home

Generational Clutter and Its Impact



A deep dive into the generational clutter and its impact on the families. The challenges professional house cleaners face when confronted with hoarding or cluttered situations, particularly those involving children and teenagers. Over the weeks and months, we've witnessed the profound academic, social, and emotional consequences these situations inflict on the younger generation. To comprehend the roots of this issue, we rewind to the Great Depression of 1929, almost a century ago. The echoes of that era, marked by resourcefulness and frugality, have trickled down through generations, resulting in a complex interplay of habits and tendencies. Angela Brown shares a personal journey growing up in a large family where saving and repurposing were ingrained values passed down through the family lineage. Through poignant anecdotes, we explore the contrasting approaches of grandparents and parents who lived through the Great Depression, shaping their perspectives on waste and resourcefulness. Angela's grandfather, a