Clutter Corner - Organize, Clean and Transform Your Home

Declutter to Simplify and Space Saving



Today's topic declutter to simplify and space saving. Join Angela Brown in this conversation as she sits with Donna Barwald, a professional organizer. Discover the inspiring story of how Angela Brown and her husband turned their wedding reception budget into a long-lasting investment for their home.  Explore practical tips on decluttering, organizing, and the philosophy of using and enjoying the things you own. Donna shares valuable insights on creating a home that brings joy every day and the power of eliminating daily aggravations through simple and effective organization strategies.  RESOURCES ------------------ REPROGRAM YOUR MIND SLEEP TAPES The New Normal Sleep Tape - The New Tape | Affirmations Of A Clean and Orderly Home | "I AM" - * When available, we use affiliate links, and as Amazon Associates, we earn on qualifying purchases. SOCIAL MEDIA --------------- CONNECT WITH DONNA BARWALD Facebook Page: N