Clutter Corner - Organize, Clean and Transform Your Home

Declutter Your Mind to Boost Your Productivity



How to declutter your mind to boost your productivity? Join us for an engaging episode where we tackle the common struggle of professionals drowning in distractions and overwhelm, hindering their focus and productivity.  In this episode, Kitty Andrews, a specialist in assisting professionals with ADHD, shares invaluable tips on decluttering your mind for enhanced productivity in life and at work. The discussion covers the challenges of digital clutter, particularly in managing emails. Kitty emphasizes the importance of taking small, consistent steps to tackle clutter, even if it's just dedicating five minutes a day. The conversation delves into strategies for organizing emails and the significance of creating a systematic routine to minimize decision fatigue. Angela Brown shares personal experiences and routines, highlighting the effectiveness of tidying up workspaces daily and prepping for the next work session. They emphasize the impact of decision fatigue and the power of having a well-thought-out system i