Clutter Corner - Organize, Clean and Transform Your Home

Decluttering The Minds and Relationships



Let's talk about decluttering the minds and relationships. Angela reflects on the challenges of managing distractions and overwhelming thoughts and the importance of decluttering the mind for enhanced productivity.  Joined by specialist Kitty Andrews, the conversation delves into the significance of preserving valuable ideas and wisdom from loved ones, emphasizing the need to prioritize relationships over material possessions. Angela shares a personal story of reconciling with a strained relationship, highlighting the transformative power of apologizing and letting go.  They encourage listeners to consider the impact of their relationships and adopt mindful practices to create meaningful connections amid life's distractions. RESOURCES ------------------ Insights and Wisdom of Omuugn: Live with Impact Series Vol 1: Insights and Wisdom of Omuugn: Live with Impact Series Vol 2: Fearless Phil: The Awesome Place: Live with Impact (2 book serie