Clutter Corner - Organize, Clean and Transform Your Home

Break the Cycle of Generational Hoarding



How to break the cycle of generational hoarding? Angela Brown embarks on a thought-provoking journey to break the cycle of generational hoarding. In a candid discussion, she explores the impact of hoarding on families and subsequent generations. Navigating through cluttered homes, Angela reveals the consequences of compromised hygiene and the normalization of grim living conditions. Drawing from personal experiences, she reflects on the legacy of hoarding behaviors passed down through generations, highlighting how seemingly harmless habits can evolve into complex relationships with possessions. As the aftermath of the pandemic brings attention to neglected spaces filled with purposeless items, Angela challenges the sentimental value attached to possessions. The conversation extends to the emotional aspects of hoarding, questioning whether holding onto items preserves a piece of our ancestors. With humor, the speaker shares practical decluttering strategies, emphasizing the importance of assessing the true val