Clutter Corner - Organize, Clean and Transform Your Home

Grief Hoarding and Letting Go



We are discussing grief hoarding and letting go. Angela Brown hosts certified hypnotherapist and motivational speaker Deborah LeBlanc. Deborah opens up about her personal journey through grief and emotional challenges.  The discussion centers around the phenomenon of "grief hoarding" and the struggle to let go of possessions connected to lost loved ones. Debra shares her own experiences, revealing the emotional complexities of parting with items associated with her late granddaughter, Amelia. The conversation explores the psychological impact of grief, post-traumatic stress disorder, and the tendency to cling to tangible memories. Deborah sheds light on how hypnotherapy, coupled with her personal coping strategies, has helped her navigate the process of moving on while still preserving meaningful connections. Angela guides the discussion, addressing the delicate balance of honoring memories without letting grief consume one's life. Listeners gain insights into the profound significance of seemingly ordinary i