Clutter Corner - Organize, Clean and Transform Your Home

Create Change from Vision to Reality



How do we create change from vision to reality? #AngelaBrown explores the transformative power of envisioning and actively pursuing the life you desire. Denise Belisle emphasizes the importance of breaking away from the illusion of a "pretend lifestyle" often painted by external influences, like realtors showcasing idealized versions of homes. Angela shares a personal story of implementing change in her own life, inspired by her husband's vision for their future home. She discusses the significance of aligning daily habits with future aspirations, emphasizing the need to start living the desired lifestyle now rather than waiting for external circumstances to change. The conversation touches on the practical steps Angela and her husband took to integrate their envisioned lifestyle into their daily routine, challenging the notion that change requires a drastic shift in the future. Denise also highlights her journey towards downsizing and creating a more intentional living space, drawing parallels with her decis