Clutter Corner - Organize, Clean and Transform Your Home

Wants versus Needs with Angela Brown and Lucy Wahl



How do we differentiate wants versus needs? Today, we discuss the wants and needs with professional organizers # Angela Brown and  Lucy Wahl to share valuable insights on decluttering, appreciating true beauty, and making mindful choices. Lucy emphasizes the importance of distinguishing between wanting and needing, especially for creative minds eager to take on every project that comes to mind. Drawing from personal experiences and client encounters, Angela discusses the emotional aspect of letting go and the profound lessons learned from facing one's clutter. She shares the concept of "window shopping" in life, urging us to leave unnecessary baggage at the store and to be mindful of our consumption habits. Angela also reflects on her journey, highlighting the realization that not every tempting deal is necessary and the importance of understanding one's buying patterns. Lucy emphasizes the need for a personalized approach to decluttering and discouraging wholesale cleanouts without the individual, as it hind