Clutter Corner - Organize, Clean and Transform Your Home

Uncluttered Emotions - A Conversation with Joie Seldon



In this engaging episode of "Uncluttered Emotions," the host expresses their excitement about having special guest #JoieSeldon on the show.  Joie, an accomplished author and professional actor, joins the conversation to share her wealth of experience and wisdom. The focus of the discussion revolves around the challenges of decluttering and de-hoarding homes, touching on the emotional aspects that often accompany such endeavors. Joie shares her transformative journey from Hollywood to self-discovery, emphasizing the importance of embracing all emotions. She challenges societal labels on emotions and views them as a positive biological information system.  The discussion explores the impact of emotional resistance on hoarding behaviors and the benefits of somatic therapy. Joie's insights offer a fresh perspective on navigating emotions during the decluttering process.  The episode concludes with a heartfelt recommendation for Joie's book as a valuable resource for self-improvement and understanding the intricat