Clutter Corner - Organize, Clean and Transform Your Home

Visualize the Decluttering Process with Denise Belisle



How do you visualize the decluttering process? Denise Belisle , a serenity coach, shares information to guide and empower individuals, especially women, who find themselves overwhelmed by their daily commitments. Many people, after serving others all day, come home exhausted, neglecting their own well-being and feeling ashamed. Denise shares her expertise in decluttering not just physical spaces but also the mind. The discussion touches upon the importance of taking concrete steps toward change rather than just talking about it. Denise praises the host's journey of envisioning a new life in an RV and making gradual progress, emphasizing the shift from talk to action. The conversation explores the host's commitment to downsizing, taking time off, and transforming spaces to align with their vision. Denise encourages a positive mindset, emphasizing that progress is a series of small steps. The host's dedication to their dream is highlighted, from saying goodbye to their home to inviting new energy into their spa