Clutter Corner - Organize, Clean and Transform Your Home

Decluttering and Organizing with Lucy Wahl



Let's discuss the tips on Decluttering and Organizing. In this engaging conversation, the host introduces Lucy Wahl, a professional organizer specializing in high-rise apartment living with limited space. Lucy emphasizes the importance of organizing based on individual preferences and lifestyle, debunking the idea of a one-size-fits-all approach.  The discussion covers categorizing, questioning the number of possessions, and overcoming the shame associated with past organizing challenges. Lucy provides insights into boundary-setting, especially when dealing with well-meaning but overwhelming family members who send gifts.  The conversation concludes with practical advice on virtual organizing sessions, acknowledging small achievements, and the ongoing journey of maintaining a clutter-free life. The overarching message is empathy, the normalization of organizing struggles, and the reminder that seeking help is a positive step toward a more organized and stress-free life. #HoardingWorld #AskAngelaBrown Chapters