Clutter Corner - Organize, Clean and Transform Your Home

Decluttering for a Purposeful Life with Kira Kendal



Today's topic is Decluttering for a Purposeful Life with Kira Kendal. Join the conversation with Kira Kendal, author of "Organizing Your Home," as she shares practical and emotional wisdom on decluttering.  From the impact on time and finances to the responsibility of not burdening loved ones, Kira explores the transformative journey from chaos to order.  The discussion highlights the liberating decisions of letting go and making intentional choices for a purposeful and joyful life. #HoardingWorld #AskAngelaBrown Chapters: 00:00:00 Introduction to Kira Kendal and the topic of organizing your home  00:00:18 Living a full life despite clutter and the importance of communication  00:01:06 The responsibility of decluttering for the sake of our kids  00:02:43 Letting go of sentimental items and the impact of decluttering  00:03:10 The positive impact of decluttering on time and space  00:04:07 Evaluating hobbies and letting go of unused materials  00:05:19 Making conscious decisions about letting go of sewing mate