Clutter Corner - Organize, Clean and Transform Your Home

What Is ADHD ??? with Tiffany Williams



What is ADHD?? Today's discussion revolves around ADHD and clutter, featuring Tiffany Williams, a professional organizer specializing in this area. The conversation aims to address common misunderstandings about ADHD and explore solutions.  Tiffany highlights ADHD as a DSM-5 diagnosis affecting executive functioning and shares her experiences working with clients dealing with ADHD-related clutter issues. She emphasizes the abundance of resources available for understanding ADHD, including websites, books, and assessments. Tiffany also discusses the two components of ADHD: inattentive and hyperactive, noting that symptoms vary among individuals. She stresses the challenges of staying on task and the importance of providing structure and support for those with ADHD. Throughout the conversation, Tiffany offers practical strategies for managing distractions and achieving goals.  The discussion concludes with gratitude for the insightful conversation and an invitation for further discussions on ADHD strategies. #H