Clutter Corner - Organize, Clean and Transform Your Home

Understanding Unconscious Attachment to Stuff with Star Hansen



What is the understanding of unconscious attachment to stuff? In this engaging conversation, Angela Brown welcomes Star Hansen, a renowned professional organizer and author, to uncover the secrets of achieving better health through decluttering.  Star shares practical insights and anecdotes, emphasizing the transformative power of self-awareness and intentional living.  From reevaluating shower essentials to fostering deeper familial connections through Zoom calls, Star's wisdom illuminates the path to not just tidier spaces but also profound personal growth.  Let's explore Star's website resources and connect further, promising a journey towards a healthier, more fulfilling life. #HoardingWorld #AskAngelaBrown Chapters: 00:00:00 Introduction  00:01:46 Unconscious Habits  00:03:19 Connecting Without Clutter  00:04:39 Virtual Family Reunion  00:05:45 Healing Conversations  00:06:50 Reconnecting Through Zoom  00:07:37 Closing Thoughts SPONSORSHIPS & BRANDS ------------------- Today's #ClutterCornerLive spon